BUSD Superintendent Bill Huyett and Deputy Superintendent Javetta Cleveland will conduct a budget forum for anyone who wants to understand the school budget process, and more specifically how it has impacted the BUSD budget and the impact we are anticipating in the next two years.
With a shortage of revenue at the state level, no more jobs bill funding for next year, and increasing costs due to inflation, BUSD is facing a projected shortfall of $3 to $4.8 million dollars in the coming fiscal year. We encourage anyone interested in school budget issues to attend the forum on the state of the budget and discussion of possible cost saving and budget cutting strategies.
Thursday, March 29, 2012 5:30 – 7 p.m. In the BUSD Central Office – Council Chambers 2134 Martin Luther King Jr. Way
NOTE: This forum will be broadcast live on Berkeley Cable Channel 33 and then it will be posted on Vimeo.com.
For more information call 510-644-6320 or email markcoplan@berkeley.net