Surplus Facilities Committee
The process of declaring a property surplus is governed by the State Education Code. It is the clearly stated intent of the Code that the community be involved in determining the use of surplus space prior to Board decisions. The Board is looking for parents, educators and community members to serve on this Committee to address the possibility of surplusing a small strip of land on the Gilman Street side of the BUSD Transportation facility. When this facility was designed, it was done so with the Gilman Street side left open at the request of the City of Berkeley, for possible commercial development in the future.
Click here for more information about the Surplus Facilities Committee Requirements
Facilities Naming Committee
Upon request, the Board shall consider naming buildings, parts of buildings or athletic fields in honor of the contributions of students, staff members and community members who have been deceased for at least one year. The Board has received a request for naming of the BUSD athletic field located at Derby and Martin Luther King Jr. Way. The proposed name is Moellering Field. A citizen advisory committee shall be appointed to review name suggestions and submit recommendations for the Board’s consideration. It is the sole prerogative of the Board to name or rename a facility.
Applications for both committees will be forwarded to the Board of Education, and interviews will be scheduled in May. Deadline for applications is May 7, 2012.