The Board has begun the process for a Superintendent Search, beginning with the release of a Request for Proposal (RFP) for professional search firms.
The complete Request for Proposal provides a full detailing of the information required to participate as well as contact information for the Bid Manager.
for two
Professional Services Search Firms
for Superintendent of the Berkeley Unified School District
Proposals due: 4:00 pm, PST, January 11, 2013
Eight (8) hard copies of the proposal in a sealed envelope, as well as one electronic copy, must be submitted to the bid manager no later than the time and date indicated above. Requirements for the proposal and submission information are detailed in the RFP at the link above.
A year ago, the Board began its search for a Superintendent. Although several candidates were considered as finalists for the position, the Board ultimately elected to continue its search for a leader possessing a track record of extraordinary success. In issuing the present solicitation, the Board seeks to build upon the work done during the last search process, as well as to address concerns raised regarding community input and candidate vetting.
The Berkeley Unified School District is now seeking the assistance of two separate professional services firms in the search for its Superintendent. The scope of work is summarized below and in the RFP. We invite proposals from highly qualified, experienced firms, with a history of having conducted successful searches.
A Primary Consultant will be selected to conduct the search. The duties of this consultant will involve:
- Supporting the Board during the search;
- Engaging the community;
- Updating and revising the existing leadership profile, as needed;
- Widely advertising the vacancy; recruiting and screening applicants;
- Facilitating Board interviews of the applicants;
- Conducting extensive reference and background checks; and
- Facilitating the pre-employment process.
A Secondary Consultant will be selected to provide the Board with an independent perspective during the search. This will include conducting additional reference and background checks on applicants, and further supporting the Board to ensure that it possesses all relevant information regarding the applicants.
Scope of Work:
Primary Consultant
- Engage the board members in a methodical and synergistic process
- Meet with the Board as needed to ensure a high quality search process
- Obtain staff and community input and ensure that all stakeholders are represented
- Develop and maintain the community’s trust in the process
- Meet with the Board to refine a profile of the superintendent for our district
- Update and revise, as necessary, the existing leadership profile based on community input
- Develop a position description and strategies to recruit ideal candidates
- Advertise widely
- Actively recruit candidates who meet the profile
- Screen applicants
- Develop objective measurement tools
- Coordinate selection activities for finalists
- Assist the Board with the final interviews and employment of the new Superintendent
Secondary Consultant
- Meet with the Board as needed to ensure a high quality search process
- Conduct independent and comprehensive reference and background checks for finalists and provide report to the Board
The complete Request for Proposal provides a full detailing of the information required to participate as well as contact information for the Bid Manager.
View Board discussion and action on Superintendent Search at December 12th, 2012 Board Meeting.