Hear how you can contribute to the decisions our district will have to make on how new state education funds will be spent for our students.
The district plan will need to address the needs of all our students, and include a special focus on low income, English learners & foster youth.
Join us for a public forum with Superintendent Donald Evans and Deputy Superintendent Javetta Cleveland to discuss LCFF and LCAP to be held Tues., Dec. 3 at 7:00 pm at LeConte Elementary, 2241 Russell St. LCFF Forum Flyer
The new state funding formula for public education (Local Control Funding Formula – LCFF) requires each district to develop a Local Accountability and Control Plan (LCAP) in consultation with the community. We invite you to engage in the process of developing the first LCAP plan, to be completed no later than July 1, 2014.