On Wednesday, April 30th at 7:30pm, the School Board will be discussing the first draft of the Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP). The LCAP is designed to be a planning and accountability tool for the District, with a focus on low income students, English learners, and foster youth. (The State Board of Education created the LCAP template that all districts must use.) More background information on the LCAP can be found here.
The first draft of the LCAP was developed after consultation with teachers, principals, administrators, school personnel, bargaining units, families, community members and students. The community outreach process involved identifying student needs, reviewing current programs, services, and interventions, and identifying the best strategies that will result in academic success for our most at-risk students. The plan is based on the increased supplemental funding amounts projected over the next three years for Berkeley Unified School District. For 2014-15, the first year of the LCAP, the total amount of supplemental funds is expected to be $2.4 million. An executive summary chart serves as a tool for communicating the key components of the Local Control and Accountability Plan, and is included with the first draft in the link above.
The draft LCAP is the result of several months of community input, and the April 30th School Board Meeting is designed as a Board Study Session dedicated to review and comment on the draft plan. The public is welcome to attend the meeting (2020 Bonar St., enter on Addison), watch on TV (cable channel 33), or listen on the radio (FM 89.3) and then comment on the plan.
Do you have comments about the LCAP? If so, written comments from the public, and comments from the PAC (Parent Advisory Committee) and DELAC (District English Learner Advisory Committee), on the LCAP draft may be submitted to the Superintendent by 4:00pm on Friday, May 9, 2014. (Please submit comments either by email to, or by letter to: Superintendent Donald Evans, 2020 Bonar St. Berkeley, CA, 94704.)
Next Steps: Based on feedback from the Board, from the PAC and DELAC, and from the public, a second draft of the LCAP is scheduled for presentation at the May 14th Board Meeting, and tentatively the following week at the May 21st Board Meeting. The formal public hearing on the final draft of the LCAP and the district’s 2014-15 budget will occur at the June 11 board meeting. The final LCAP will be presented to the board for consideration at the June 25 board meeting.