With the new school year starting on Wednesday, September 2, we are almost ready to welcome students and families back to school!
At every school, our principals and vice principals are welcoming and orienting new and returning staff, and working with school secretaries and administrative staff to ensure a smooth school opening. Our custodians have completed summer cleaning projects and are putting classrooms back together.
Over the summer, internet connectivity was expanded, and our tech team is now out at schools to see that our tech tools are set to go.
This week we are running new teacher orientations and curriculum trainings and communicating to our new employees about services and benefits. Afterschool staff is helping families sign up for after school programs, and our secondary students are picking up schedules and collecting textbooks.
In the district kitchen, our chef and nutrition services staff are stocking shelves and preparing all that’s needed to serve universal breakfast and school lunch from day one.
Meanwhile, maintenance and facilities staff are finishing final touches on summer improvement projects throughout the district, including new flooring, improved landscaping, and fresh coats of paint. All of our school buses have passed a safety inspection and are ready to roll off the yard once again.
We continue our commitment to making information more accessible to students, staff, and families and are using all of the communication channels at our disposal, including fairs, mailings, phone calls, PowerSchool, email, and our district website to provide the information our community needs to be ready for the first day of school and participate fully in our schools.
I have no doubt that this is going to be a great year!