Longfellow’s Saturday Academy is designed to build community and create opportunities for families to be engaged in new ways with their child’s learning. The Longfellow community kicked off the new Saturday Academy on November 14 with a focus on math fun for families. Members of During the first hour, Longfellow’s own math team joined together with Rebecca Burke and Diederich Bonemeyer (District Teachers on Special Assignment) to engage students at stations of math games set up in the school’s cafeteria.
Meanwhile, National Board Certified Teacher Marlo Warburton led parents and family members in a workshop on ways to support their children in math. Here’s a condensed twelve minute video of the 13 Things You Can Do to Help Your Child in Math and Beyond parent workshop. (A link to the video of the hour long workshop is posted below.)
During the second half of the Saturday Academy program, families gathered together in the cafeteria for fun with “family math game time”. A special lunch, catered by Longfellow’s Mr. Robinson and the PTA, was enjoyed by all.
Check out photos of Longfellow’s First Saturday Academy.