Berkeley High Th!nk B!g (Nov. 19, 2015) was modeled on TED Talks, and with an impressive lineup of speakers covering today’s issues, it lived up to that inspiration. Below is a list of the speakers, and links to their presentations. The event was an Associated Student Body (ASB) fundraiser.
M. Mick Gardner: Restorative Justice
Eli Cooper (2015 Alumni): Spread the Word to End the Word
John Villavicencio: Decline of the Hip Hop Radio DJ
Dave Stevens: Evaluating Student Data
Albrey Brown (2009 Alumni): Diversity in the Tech Industry
Dacher Keltner: The Science of Happiness
Chayla Fisher: Overcoming Hardships
Alecia Harger (2018): Racism & Race Relations at BHS
Kadijah Means (2015 Alumni): Combating Anti-Blackness
Kad Smith: Civic Engagement
Berkeley High Think Big Videos
Berkeley High Think Big Albrey Brown
Berkeley High Think Big Dave Stevens
Berkeley High Think Big Eli Cooper
Berkeley High Think Big John Villavicencio
Berkeley High Think Big Alecia Harger
Berkeley High Think Big M. Mick Gardner:
Berkeley High Think Big Chayla Fisher
Berkeley High Think Big Dacher Keltner
Berkeley High Think Big Kadijah Means
Berkeley High Think Big Kad Smith: Unfortunately the last speaker was cut short due to a fire alarm on the campus that required evacuation. We will find another way to record and share that presentation.