NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Governing Board (“Board”) of the Berkeley Unified School District (“District”), at a Board meeting to be held on May 18, 2016, will hold a public hearing pursuant to Government Code section 50077 on the issue of calling an election on November 8, 2016, to renew authority to impose a qualified special tax (“Parcel Tax”) on all parcels of taxable real property in the District’s boundaries. At the hearing, public input will be solicited concerning the proposed Parcel Tax measure. The public hearing will begin at approximately 8:30 p.m. at the District Board Room, located at 1231 Addison St. Further information concerning this hearing and the proposed Parcel Tax may be obtained from Natasha Beery at
This special tax is currently funded by Measure A of 2006, and is set to expire in 2017. A public hearing is being held prior to Board action on placing a renewal measure on the November ballot. Learn more about the Berkeley Schools Excellence Program here.