We need every family to complete an application for free/reduced price school meals, either online or by completing the paper copy provided by your child’s school.
Even if your student does not intend to take advantage of the lunch program, every qualified application is counted towards bringing significant federal (Title I) and state (LCFF/LCAP) funding to our schools!
- Please complete the application online at ezmealapp.com as soon as possible. Online applications are processed in just 24 hours, while paper applications may take up to 10 days.
- Only one form is needed per family, even if you have students at different schools in the district.
- There will be a verification number provided at the end of the online process. Please print out and keep the confirmation page which includes the verification number so you have a record of your application.
- If you have any questions about how to complete the form, please contact the Nutrition Services Office at 644-6200.
In order to deposit funds for your child’s school lunch account, please visit the nutrition services webpage for information.