Every Day Counts! Attend Today, Achieve for a Lifetime
September is attendance awareness month. Berkeley Unified School District Student Services, Office of Family Engagement & Equity, and the City of Berkeley’s School Linked Health Services have teamed up to celebrate and encourage good school attendance.
Every day of the school year counts! When children miss school for any reason, they lose academic instruction time that affects their learning. Research shows that students with good school attendance are more likely to do well in school, graduate from high school, and find jobs later in life.
There are many obstacles that get in the way of good attendance. Staff of the Office of Family Engagement and Equity (OFEE) and BHS Parent Liaisons are reaching out to families to help remove barriers that might impede academic achievement. We want parents to know that there are many resources in the community to help if they are facing tough challenges related to access to health care, unstable housing, poor transportation or lack of food.
Families having a hard time getting their children to school on time and have children who are often ill should feel free to contact the Office of Family Engagement and Equity @ 510-644-8991, or other school staff. We have many resources that may be helpful.
We invite and encourage everyone to get on board with our attendance focus because – Every Day Counts!