Please join educators, researchers, teachers, instructional staff, parents, guardians, and community members for BUSD’s annual Research Symposium on Saturday, January 21 from 8:30am – 12:30pm at the Berkeley Adult School.
You can register online for the BUSD Research Symposium : https://2017busdsymposium.
Program at a Glance
8:15 am: Registration in Auditorium
Longfellow Jazz Combo
8:45 am – Welcome & Opening Remarks
9:00 am: Session I – Auditorium Poster Presentation
9:30 am Session II – PowerPoint Panel Presentations
10:35: Session III – PowerPoint Panel Presentations
11:35-11:50 Break/Refreshments Auditorium
11:55-12:25 Session IV Auditorium, Berkeley High School Student Panel
Discussion: Educational Equity in the Age of President Trump Facilitated by Dr. Tasha Henneman
9:00 am Session I Auditorium Poster Presentations
- SES, Chronic Stress, and Executive Functioning Based Behavior Problems
Jordan Karr, 3rd year PhD student in the School Psychology Program at UC Berkeley - STE(A)M: Still Underrepresented And Left Behind
Wanda Kurtcu & Yvonne White, Doctoral candidates, CSU East Bay - The Psychometric Properties of English and Spanish Computer Administered Versions of the Asher Children’s Loneliness Scale
Katharina Klakus, Clinical Psychology Doctoral Student Roosevelt University, Chicago - Closing the Academic Achievement Gap: A Case Study of a High Performing Public Charter School
Lehi Victoria Dickey, California State University East Bay
9:30 am Session II 2nd Floor Classrooms PowerPoint Panel Presentations
Room 209
Denial of Access: The Impact of Linked Learning/California Partnership Academies in Preparing English Language Learners to Become College and Career Ready for Postsecondary Opportunities
Dr. Cecilia Mendoza, California State University East Bay
Effective Professional Development for Principals Leading Language Programs
Stacey Vidal-Butler, California State University East Bay
Room 217
Unequal Access to Success: The Underrepresentation of Students of Color Enrolled in Advanced Placement Courses
Justin Young, California State University East Bay & Jefferson Union High School District
Redlining and Its Influence on Educational Opportunities in the School System: A Collaborative Auto-Ethnography
Dr. Erika Emery, California State University East Bay
Room 210
Sometimes My Brain Tells Me to Be Bad: A study on the impact of using psychological theories with kindergarten boys who exhibit aggressive-disruptive behavior
Devin Daugherty, Berkeley Unified School District
Room 210
Critical Science Dispositions and Skills that Evolve in the Middle School Years
Dr. Mac Cannady, University of California, Berkeley
Implementing TOOLBOX: What Are Teachers Doing to Promote the Development of Student Social-Emotional Competence?
Joe Roscoe, University of California, Berkeley
Room 216
Trying to be Normal: The Effects of Special Education Identification
Dr. Josh De Feo, Orinda Unified School
Identification of Students with Dyslexia in CA Public Schools
Kathy Futterman, Mount Diablo Unified School District & California State University East Bay
Room 211
Interrupting the Criminalization of African American Boys
Dr. DiShawn Givens, Hayward Unified School District & California State University East Bay
Academic Support Index
David Stevens, Berkeley Unified School District
Learning Time Differentials at the intersection of Race, Class and Place
Dr. Kathryn Mapps, California State University
East Bay & Berkeley Unified School District
Room 212
Politics and Personal Responsibility: How parents in Berkeley, CA, choose beverages for their children in light of Berkeley’s Measure D
Tara Benesch, UCSF – UC Berkeley Joint Medical Program and Program in Medical Education for the Urban Underserved
Room 212
Sugar-Sweetened Beverage Consumption Among Youth in Berkeley
Dr. Jennifer Falbe, University of California, Berkeley
The UC-Berkeley Sleep Fitness Study: Working to Promote Healthier Sleep Patterns and Positive Functioning Among Urban Teens
Marisa Westbrook & Dr. Emily Ozer, University of California, Berkeley
10:35 Session III
2nd Floor Classrooms Session III is a repeat of Session II.
Please refer to the schedule for Session II.
11:35-11:50 Break Refreshments in Auditorium
11:55 Session IV Auditorium
Berkeley High School Student Panel Discussion Educational Equity in the Age of President Trump
Facilitated by Dr. Tasha Henneman
12:25 Closing Remarks & Evaluation
The full program, with information on research to be presented, can be viewed in PDF here.