The Alameda County Registrar of Voters has just conveyed the official election results for Measure E1 of 2016, the special tax that funds the Berkeley Schools Excellence Program (BSEP). The Measure passed with 88.86% of the vote, a record level of support for BSEP, which has had five successful ballot measures in its 30 year history of providing funding for needed programs in the Berkeley Unified School District.
BSEP provides 20% of the funding for our schools, including paying for one-third of classroom teachers, all school libraries, the 4th-8th grade music program, instructional technology, school discretionary funds, student support programs and personnel, professional development, program evaluation, and much more.
There were legions of volunteers – parents, grandparents, teachers, students, staff, alumni, friends and neighbors who helped create the measure and get the word out to the voters about this crucial funding source for Berkeley public schools. To quote Board Vice President Ty Alper, Berkeley voters understand “that public education is the cornerstone of our democracy and our schools are the lifeblood of our community.” With the renewal of BSEP funding, Berkeley voters are investing in our children, our community, and the future of our nation.