The School Board has adopted a new policy forbidding District employees from providing information about individual students or employees for government registries based on religion, national origin or ethnicity.
The policy — adopted unanimously by the Board on April 26 — also bans recording religion in an individual student’s cumulative file and in an employee’s personnel file. “If the religion of a student or employee is relevant to a document that would otherwise be included in a student’s cumulative file or an employee’s personnel file,” the policy states, “the notation of religion shall be redacted before the document is included in the file.”
The section on government registries says in part, “No District employee shall use District funds, facilities, property, equipment, or personnel to implement, provide investigation for, enforce, or assist in the creation, implementation, or enforcement of, or provide support in any manner for, any government program creating or compiling a list, registry, or database of individuals on the basis of religion, national origin, or ethnicity.”
The full policy may be viewed on the District website.