If you’d like a say on how the Berkeley Unified School District addresses the needs of disadvantaged students, you are invited to provide feedback on the District’s Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP) for 2018-2020.
Under California school financing reform approved in 2013, all school districts in the state are required to adopt an LCAP to meet the needs of high need students. The LCAP is the key element of the state’s Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF), which identifies three categories of students requiring greater resources: 1) students who qualify for free or reduced priced meals, 2) students who are English Learners and 3) foster youth. Roughly 40% of BUSD students fall into these categories.
Here is the 2018 draft executive summary of Berkeley’s LCAP. The full draft 2018-2020 LCAP may be found in the School Board’s May 9, 2018 online agenda packet under item #14. The board meeting slide presentation provides an overview of the actions and expenditures in the three LCAP goal areas. More information about the LCAP and LCFF can be found on the District’s LCAP web page.
Feedback may be sent by email to lcap@berkeley.net. (Public feedback is welcome by other means as well, including during public comment periods at meetings of the School Board and the LCAP Parent Advisory Committee.) It would be helpful to receive the feedback before June 13, when the School Board will hold a public hearing on LCAP and the budget.