As we prepare for the first day of school on Monday, Aug. 27, the Berkeley Unified School District is pleased to report that the most recent adjustments to our adopted budget for the 2018-19 school year are now posted on our website.
School Districts typically base their proposed budgets on the Governor’s most recent budget proposal, issued in May, but those proposals frequently do not match the budget that actually gets adopted. As a result, for significant changes between the Governor’s May Revision and the Enacted Budget, school districts must adjust their proposed budgets shortly before adoption.
State law requires school districts to post the final adjustments to the adopted budget no later than 45 days after the Governor signs the state budget. Accordingly, BUSD posted the changes on its Business Services webpage last week.
For more information about the District’s 2018-19 budget, see the budget items in the online agenda packets for the School Board meetings of June 13 (item 14) and June 27 (item 14).