The first day of school for the 2019-20 school year is Monday, August 26, 2019. The next school year will end on Friday, June 12, 2020.
In 2020, school will begin a week earlier than in 2019. The first day of school will be Monday, August 17, 2020. The school year will remain the same number of total days and students will be let out for Summer 2021 a week earlier (June 4, 2021) The next two academic year calendars are provided below.
We are joining many surrounding school districts in starting the school earlier in August. This provides several benefits for our high school students. With this change to the calendar, high school students will::
- Finish the first semester before Winter Break, allowing them to complete final exams and semester projects before a two-week break from academics.
- Benefit from more instructional time to cover the full course curriculum before taking AP and IB exams, always offered only in May.
- Have senior year course completion and transcripts available earlier, for more timely college applications, acceptances and graduation verification.
The full academic calendars are on this webpage and linked below:
2019-20 School Year Calendar(PDF)
2020-21 School Year Calendar(PDF)