The California Department of Education (CDE) has released the 2019 California School Dashboard for the 2018 – 2019 academic year.
The 2019 Dashboard provides parents and educators with meaningful information regarding student performance by displaying data on graduation rates, suspension rates, school attendance rates, college/career readiness rates, English learner progress and test scores. It also includes local information about school climate and conditions, parent engagement and basic services. All of these factors are interrelated and contribute to school success.
The California School Dashboard reports data using a color system. Blue indicates the highest performance and red the lowest. When there is no score reported in a category, it generally means that too few students were represented at the school to report an indicator level.
Access the Berkeley Unified School District 2019 Dashboard here. As you scroll down, you will see an alphabetical list of our schools. The report for the District as a whole is included in that list and can also be accessed here.
Additional Resources
The 2019 Dashboard can be accessed in Spanish, Tagalog, Vietnamese and Chinese via a dropdown menu at the top of the web page. Smartphone and tablet users can access the 2019 Dashboard via a free mobile app available to be downloaded here.
The Alameda County Office of Education has created a series of videos explaining the 11 indicators of the 2019 Dashboard. The videos illuminate the critical measures school districts use to determine how well they are serving students.
CDE has also launched the California School Dashboard Navigator, an interactive map of Dashboard performance by district and school to make important data more transparent and accessible to parents and community members. As you’ll see, all schools and districts have strengths and challenges. Every school and district can improve. To do so, local communities need to know what is going well, and where there are issues to address.