May 15, 2020
Dear Berkeley Community,
Yesterday Governor Newsom provided a state budget which includes significant cuts to public school education funding due to the economic effects of the COVID-19 crisis. The only good news is that the cuts are somewhat less than the worst case scenarios we’d been bracing for, but clearly we are facing yet another challenge as we try to plan for the coming school year. Nonetheless, I remain confident that we will confront this challenge by drawing upon the skills, thoughtfulness, creativity and caring of our educators and our community.
I’d like to ask you to continue to engage with us as we work to develop solutions. If you weren’t able to attend the May 13 virtual Town Hall, you can view it on the BUSD YouTube channel, as well as view the slide deck we used at the Town Hall which outlines the District’s planning process for school in the Fall of 2020.
We talked about the likelihood that in the fall of 2020, we will have to greatly reduce the number of students in classrooms and on school busses to reduce risk of spread of coronavirus, and that also means that we will need to plan for continuing a distance learning program through the fall of 2020 as well.
At the Town Hall we considered two questions, and I’d like to invite you to respond to these questions as well by using a platform called Thought Exchange.
Students’ time on campus may be very limited in 2020-2021. What thoughts do you have about the best ways to use our school facilities to support children and families?
Distance Learning will have to be part of the plan for 2020-21. What are your thoughts about ways to sustain students, staff and families for a longer period of time?
To answer these questions, and to see responses from other members of the community, please do not respond to this email – please go to the links provided above and provide your thoughts there, and then please spend some time giving your rating of 1 to 5 stars to each of about 20-30 thoughts that others have suggested. This helps us get a sense of what issues are of particular concern across our community. We are also holding additional outreach, including a meeting hosted by PCAD (Parents of Children of African Descent) on May 26, a Spanish language Town Hall on May 28 and a Student Town Hall (date tbd).
Thank you all for your thought partnership as we prepare for our future together. It is appropriate to quote Malcolm X, as we head into the three-day weekend that is marked in his honor: “Education is our passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs only to the people who prepare for it today.” Working together, I know we will find solutions that will strengthen our community and support our children.
Brent Stephens
Mayo 15, 2020
Estimada Comunidad en Berkeley:
El día de ayer el Gobernador Newsom ofreció un presupuesto estatal el cual incluye recortes significantes al financiamiento para la educación pública debido a los efectos económicos de la crisis del COVID-19. Las única buena noticia es que los recortes son algo menores que los peores escenarios para los que nos habíamos estado preparando, pero claramente nos estamos enfrentando a otro desafío a medida que intentamos planificar para el próximo año escolar. Sin embargo, confío en que enfrentaremos este desafío tomando ventaja de las habilidades, la consideración, creatividad y el cuidado de nuestros educadores y nuestra comunidad.
Me gustaría pedirle que continúe involucrándose con nosotros a medida que trabajamos para desarrollar soluciones. Si usted no logró asistir al Town Hall virtual del 13 de mayo, usted lo puede ver en el BUSD YouTube channel, también puede ver el conjunto de diapositivas que usamos en el Town Hall el cual describe el proceso de planeación para la escuela en el otoño del 2020.
Hablamos acerca de la posibilidad de que en el otoño del 2020, tendremos que reducir de gran forma el número de estudiantes en los salones de clases y en los autobuses escolares para disminuir el riesgo de propagar el coronavirus, y eso también significa que vamos a necesitar planear para continuar el programa de distance learning durante el otoño del 2020.
En el Town Hall consideramos dos preguntas, y me gustaría invitarle a que usted también responda a las mismas usando la plataforma conocida como Thought Exchange.
El tiempo de los estudiantes en el plantel escolar será muy limitado en el 2020-2021. ¿Qué sugerencias tiene usted acerca del mejor uso que podemos dar a las instalaciones escolares para respaldar a los niños y familias?
Distance Learning tendrá que ser parte del plan para 2020-21. ¿Qué sugerencias tiene usted acerca de formas para sustentar a los estudiantes, personal docente y familias por un periodo de tiempo más largo?