This morning, BUSD learned of 7 COVID-19 cases at Berkeley High School. These individuals, who tested positive for COVID-19 as part of the district’s surveillance testing program, are now isolating at home. At least five of these cases represent a COVID-19 outbreak at Berkeley High School, per the City of Berkeley Public Health Department, and six of the cases impact Berkeley High School athletics programs. The district has notified hundreds of close contacts to these cases and notified the school community about the outbreak.
During an outbreak, Public Health can require additional safety protocols. In this instance, City of Berkeley Public Health has asked that some individuals on campus receive additional testing, both rapid antigen and PCR tests, and the district was able to immediately provide this testing today. The district will also provide this testing for these individuals again on Monday, November 1.
There was already a schedule day of no school for BUSD students on Friday, October 29. This did not involve the cases at Berkeley High School.
The district will continue to work closely with the City of Berkeley Public Health Department to monitor the results of this additional testing and implement any additional safety protocols required.