Please join us for the next Family Engagement Series, Comprehensive Coordinated Early Intervention Services Plan 2020-2021
Session #4 Navigating the Journey to Special Education
Date: Monday, December 6
Time: 6:00-7:30 PM
Join Zoom Meeting
ID: 86270652266
Passcode: Z7RadJ41
Phone: (US) +1 669-900-6833
Passcode: 19034239
Description: The journey of students to special education can be a particularly challenging one for families whose children are experiencing academic or adjustment problems. This session will provide valuable information to ensure that families understand their rights and how to participate in each stage of the process to ensure that their children receive the appropriate services to which they are entitled. If you have a student with an IEP or are in the process of an assessment, this workshop is for you
Presenters: Mary Montle Bacon, Ph.D, Equity Consultant
Shawn Mansager, Executive Director of Special Education
Series Themes: “Listen…Educate…Advocate” will be consistent themes throughout all sessions and will focus on a variety of topics related to the goals of BUSD’S CCEIS Plan that are designed to empower families in general. and African American/Black families specifically, to become more knowledgeable.