Dear Parents or Guardians of African American/Black BUSD Students,
Berkeley Unified has been identified as significantly disproportionate as it relates to the overrepresentation of Black/African American Students into special education for Intellectual Disability, Other Health Impairment and Specific Learning Disability for the 2021 school year. This is the second year of being disproportionate in these areas.
As a result, the District must develop a Comprehensive Coordinated Early Intervening Services Plan (CCEIS) for addressing these areas of concern. BUSD will be expected to develop yearly plans until we are no longer disproportionate. This is a plan to improve services on the general education side of the house. It will be important for us to have parents or guardians with students with IEPs and without. We would like to invite you to participate in a focus group to gather input from your own unique lens in order to gain understanding and insight as to your experience as it relates to this issue. Some of you may have participated in previous listening sessions. Now that we are back in person, we want to hear how the experience has been coming back. Your input will help inform the creation of the 2021 CCEIS plan that addresses the district’s disproportionality.
Focus Group: Parents or Guardians of African American/Black BUSD Students
Date: Tuesday, December 14th, 2021
Time: 6:00-7:30 (Duration: 90 minutes)
Technical Assistant Facilitator: Suwinder Cooper
District Contact Person: Shawn Mansager
ID: 82996308769 Passcode: GjLOOn39
(US) +1 929-205-6099 Passcode: 43532452
Please confirm your availability to participate in this focus group by signing up here: Sign Up. In addition, if you are interested in being on the Stakeholder Team that will meet quarterly, please add your name in the sign up. The Stakeholder Team provides input and guidance on the CCEIS plan.
With Regards,
BUSD Education Services Team