April 2, 2020 Dear Berkeley Unified Community, I hope you have been able to enjoy some sunshine during this spring break week, and are tolerating this week’s news about the extension of the Shelter-in-Place order. Please continue to look for new ways to take care of your physical, mental and emotional health as […]
Distance Learning Plan, Daily Schedules /Plan de Aprendizaje a Distancia, Horarios Diarios
March 26, 2020 Dear Berkeley Unified Community, At last night’s School Board meeting, the District’s long-term Distance Learning Plan was presented. There were over 150 people who watched the presentation online and if you would like to watch the presentation, skip forward in recording of the 3 hour meeting to minute 55:05 in […]
BUSD School Closure Extended Through May 1/ El Cierre de Escuelas se Extiende hasta el 1 de Mayo
March 25, 2020 Dear Berkeley Unified Community, I write today with some difficult, unwelcome, but not unexpected news. Today, Public Health officers from the City of Berkeley, Alameda County, and five surrounding counties, in collaboration with County Superintendents, jointly announced a regional decision to extend school closures through May 1, 2020. This was done […]
Extended School Closure Likely, Distance Learning, Spring Break Meals /Probable Extensión del Cierre de las Escuelas, Aprendizaje a Distancia, Alimentos durante el Descanso de Primavera (Spring Break)
March 24, 2020 Dear Berkeley Unified Community, I’m writing to let you know that at the Wednesday evening, March 25 Board of Education meeting, I will be discussing with the Board the likelihood that all BUSD schools could remain closed for the remainder of April, rather than reopen after Spring Break. I’ve been […]
Online Learning Resources Update / Actualización de los Recursos en Línea
March 18, 2020 Dear Berkeley Unified Community, We are now in extraordinary times, and very clearly, we’re in these times together. I hope each of you and your families have found some reassurance in our nation-wide effort to “flatten the curve” of the coronavirus in our communities as we work together to protect […]
Shelter in Place Order and Our Community/ Orden de “Shelter in Place” (Refugiarse en el Lugar donde se Encuentre) y Nuestra Comunidad
March 16, 2020 Dear Berkeley Community, A Shelter in Place Order for Berkeley, Alameda County and six other Bay Area counties will begin tonight at midnight. You can read about this order on the City of Berkeley website and view the FAQ for additional information. The intent of this Order is to stop the […]
Revised Summer 2020 Breakfast And Lunch Distribution Schedule
Update 8/17/20: This page refers to Summer 2020. Refer to this page about the BUSD “Grab & Go” Meal Program for meal pickup during the 2020-21 school year. Updated June 25, 2020 Leer en español. The Berkeley Unified School District Nutrition Department is continuing to serve FREE BREAKFAST AND LUNCH as take-away meals for school-age […]
School Shutdown: Food, Resources, Advice / Cierre de Escuelas: Alimentos, Recursos, Consejo
Dear Berkeley Families, Last night, Berkeley joined a growing number of school districts and states that have closed due to the extraordinary coronavirus pandemic taking place across the globe. BUSD’s school closure will last from March 16 – March 27, and will be followed by our regularly scheduled Spring Break, from March 30 – […]
While School Is Closed: Food Is Available / Mientras Que La Escuela Está Cerrada: Hay Alimentos Disponibles
The Berkeley Unified School District Nutrition Department is serving FREE BREAKFAST AND LUNCH as take-away meals for school-age children 18 and younger. Picking up meals for your children is considered an essential service and is allowed under the March 16 Shelter-in-Place Order. NOTE: We have changed the schedule. Please continue to visit this page […]
BUSD Announces School Closures/BUSD Anuncia el Cierre de las Escuelas
March 12, 2020 Dear Berkeley Community Members, As you may know, many local school districts are choosing to close schools, beginning next week, in order to address concerns about the spread of the coronavirus. I’m writing to let you know that Berkeley Unified will close our preschools, elementary and middle schools, as well as Berkeley […]
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