BSEP Measure H – March 2024
What is BSEP?
The Berkeley Schools Excellence Program (BSEP) is a special local tax measure, first passed by Berkeley voters in 1986 as a response to school funding shortages in the wake of Proposition 13. BSEP has allowed the District to provide enriching academic programs and support a well-rounded education that can enable and inspire our diverse student body to achieve academic excellence and make positive contributions to our world.
BSEP funding was most recently renewed by voters as Measure E1 in 2016 and is set to expire at the end of the 2024-25 school year. This dedicated source of local funding for our schools accounts for approximately 20% of the District budget.
What will the 2024 BSEP Measure H provide? Has anything changed?
The details of the 2024 BSEP Measure H are found here. The 2024 Measure is dedicated to continuing the purposes that were funded by the current BSEP Measure. BSEP Measure H of 2024 Authorizes uses for the following purposes:
66% for High-Quality Instruction — Providing Innovative Instruction Taught by Qualified Teachers:
Teachers are at the heart of providing a quality education and ensuring that students are prepared for future success. BSEP funding has long helped support the quality teachers and small class sizes that set Berkeley schools apart. As a result, Berkeley schools have some of the smallest class sizes in the State and our teachers are recognized for their innovative instruction.
27% for Essentials for Excellence — Keeping School Libraries Open & Promoting the Arts:
BSEP funding helps Berkeley schools provide the essentials for academic excellence, such as supporting instructional technology and ensuring that every student has access to a school library every school day. It also provides a well-rounded education through music and visual and performing arts programming, and provides elementary and middle school students the opportunity to learn an instrument, express their creativity, or explore their artistic talents.
7% for Effective Student Support — Promoting Mental Health & Supporting Struggling Students:
BSEP has helped fund student counseling, mental health services, and targeted student intervention and enrichment strategies to ensure that every child is getting the specific help they need. By supporting the whole student, BUSD aims to graduate young people ready to thrive in college, careers, or wherever else life may take them.
2.5% (off the top) for Oversight and Communications — Prior to the allocation for the above uses, 2.5% of net receipts are allocated to support the Planning and Oversight Committee, School Site Councils and Community Engagement, and for communications and public information services.
Can the funds generated by BSEP be used for anything else?
The BSEP ballot measure does not authorize BUSD to repurpose BSEP funds for any use other than what is outlined in the measure. There is a provision for a “Severe Fiscal Emergency” as described in the measure.
Does BSEP funding go into the district’s General Fund?
BSEP funding does not go into the district’s General Fund. The funds generated by the measure must be kept in a separate fund from other district funding, per the measure:
“The proceeds of this Special Tax shall be applied only to the specific purposes identified in the Measure. The proceeds of this Special Tax shall be deposited into a fund, which shall be kept separate and apart from other funds of the District.”
What are the other ways the BSEP funds are monitored to ensure they are spent on purposes outlined in the measure ?
The measure includes additional accountability provisions:
- Continuing a district-wide Planning and Oversight Committee to review district compliance with the terms of this Measure.
- Reporting (to the Planning and Oversight Committee and public) revenue and expenditure reports of the proceeds of BSEP at least four times annually.
- Conducting annual audits by an independent auditor.
What is the proposed tax rate of the new measure?
The beginning tax rate of the new measure is 54 cents per square footage of improvements (buildings, structures) made to each parcel and would begin in the first year of the measure, 2025-26. Thereafter a cost of living adjustment will be made annually. An increase in the tax rate is needed to continue our current programs at the same level. The current rate for this year is 46.48 cents per square foot. Next year, the final year of the current measure, a cost of living adjustment will be applied.
Where can I learn more about BSEP?
The BSEP web page contains links to presentations, information, and reports. Also, the BSEP Planning and Oversight (P&O) Committee is open to the public, with records available online, including the audit records. If you are interested in joining or attending a meeting, or just have a question, you are welcome to contact