At the May 18th meeting of the Board of Education, the Superintendent and Director of BSEP will present the final recommendation for the BSEP Measure Renewal in a Public Hearing to be conducted at 8:30 p.m. The Board will also consider a Resolution Calling for an Election to place the Measure on the Ballot on […]
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Governing Board (“Board”) of the Berkeley Unified School District (“District”), at a Board meeting to be held on May 18, 2016, will hold a public hearing pursuant to Government Code section 50077 on the issue of calling an election on November 8, 2016, to renew authority to impose a qualified special tax (“Parcel Tax”) on all parcels […]
First Draft BSEP Renewal Ballot Measure Being Reviewed this Week
During more than a year of planning and community engagement in preparation for the renewal of the BSEP Measure in November 2016, there have been wide-ranging conversations, and general agreement that the programs funded by BSEP are central to excellence in our schools. There were many discussions about strengthening, expanding and adapting BSEP programs to […]
Watch: BSEP Excellence in less than 3 minutes!
En español:
Join the Conversation about the Future of BSEP!
Join the Conversation! ¡Únase a la Conversación! (Se encuentra la información en español más abajo.) You’re invited to a Community Conversation about the Berkeley Schools Excellence Program (BSEP). A series of conversations are taking place across our school district: March 10 Rosa Parks Elementary School Multipurpose Room, 920 Allston Way: 7:00-8:30 pm March 14 Malcolm X […]
Educational Excellence: The BSEP-BUSD Partnership
As a community response to school funding shortages in the wake of Proposition 13, the Berkeley Schools Excellence Project (BSEP) has made a significant difference in the quality of our children’s education since 1986, restoring to the Berkeley schools the capacity to support an instructional program that has integrated the pursuit of strong foundational skills […]
BSEP Planning & Oversight Committee Work Underway for 2015-16
Since the inception of the Berkeley Schools Excellence Program (BSEP) in 1986, a district-wide advisory committee has taken an active role in overseeing the implementation of our local parcel tax. The BSEP Planning & Oversight (P&O) Committee has been vigilant in safeguarding the BSEP dollars, ensuring that the funds generated by the voter-approved tax measure are spent according to the terms of […]
BUSD Committee Training and BSEP Budget Workshop 2015
Our first big public event for BSEP Measure Planning took place on Thursday, October 22. About 180 participants representing many school and district committees took part in the BSEP office’s annual School and District Orientation for the first half of the evening, which included important information on how committees do their work. Next up was […]
BSEP Provides Essentials for Educational Excellence – On Board Meeting Agenda
At the September 30th School Board Meeting, Pasquale Scuderi, Assistant Superintendent for Educational Services, will present the first in a series of three reports on the “Essentials of a High Quality Educational Program.” These presentations provide the context for understanding the major components of the educational resources currently funded by the local special tax known as BSEP (Berkeley Schools […]
Committee Orientation and BSEP Workshop: October 22
Learn and Talk about the Next BSEP Measure! Please join us for a first BSEP Budget Workshop on Thursday, October 22, 2015. You’ll learn about how BSEP funding currently functions in our schools, and engage with other community members in looking at how the next BSEP Measure could be constructed to best serve our students. The Workshop will […]