This recent news piece from KPIX Channel 5 gives an inside look at the essential “soft skills” being taught at Berkeley Adult School.
Dr. Jeff Duncan-Andrade presents his “Note to Educators” in Berkeley
On March 12, Dr. Jeff Duncan-Andrade, led an inspiring half-day presentation and workshop to teams from every Berkeley Unified school, preschool through high school. He called it: “Note to Educators: Hope Required When Growing Roses in Concrete”. The title of the talk references a Tupac Shakur poem called “The Rose That Grew From Concrete”, which […]
Spring 2014 “Field Test” to replace CST, except in science for grades 5, 8, 10
With the implementation of the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) across California and most of the nation, new assessments are being developed to measure student learning of grade level standards. California’s STAR assessment program (including the CST in English Language Arts and Math) is being replaced with the California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress (CAASPP) […]
District English Learner Advisory Committee to review Master Plan for English Learners: May 14
Berkeley Unified School District’s Master Plan for English Learners is available in draft form and will be reviewed at the District English Learner Advisory Committee (DELAC) meeting on May 14th, 6-7:30 p.m. at Longfellow Middle School (1500 Derby St.). October 2013 English Learner (EL) Master Plan Background: This Master Plan was revised to ensure that […]
Accelerating Achievement for African American Students: Actions being taken
In January, Co-Superintendent Neil Smith formed the Work Group for Accelerating the Achievement of African American Students that was tasked with conducting a study of best practices for supporting African American student achievement and making recommendations on furthering implementation in Berkeley. The purpose of this study and plan development process has been defined as follows: […]
School Board
The Berkeley Unified School District Board of Education, also called the School Board, is comprised of five elected directors (also called “members”) and two student directors, one chosen from Berkeley High, and the other Berkeley Technology Academy. The School Board represents the public’s voice in public education, providing governance over the school district. The School […]