We’re delighted to relay the following report from BUSD Library Coordinator Becca Todd about the District earning a notable distinction as a Common Sense Certified District in “Digital Citizenship” – a program that fosters safe and responsible use of technology. As our school year wraps up, we are proud to announce that BUSD is now […]
The Power of Audiobooks Discussed in KQED’s Mindshift
Berkeley’s public school libraries provide students access to a large selection of audiobooks that augment the extensive book collection on the shelves. In this piece produced by KQED, BUSD’s teacher librarian Mary Ann Scheuer talks about her experience of successfully using audiobooks to engage struggling readers. Check it out. https://ww2.kqed.org/mindshift/2016/10/23/how-audiobooks-can-help-kids-who-struggle-with-reading/ You can also follow Ms. […]
School Board
The Berkeley Unified School District Board of Education, also called the School Board, is comprised of five elected directors (also called “members”) and two student directors, one chosen from Berkeley High, and the other Berkeley Technology Academy. The School Board represents the public’s voice in public education, providing governance over the school district. The School […]