Now you can find a listing of family support services in Berkeley all in one place. This “Quick Guide” provides contact information and a brief overview of health clinics, employment programs, housing assistance, and other resources helpful to families. RESOURCE GUIDE 2014-2015
César Chávez’s Words Inspire Essay Contest
The Céar Chávez Commemorative Period reminds us all of the importance of respect for life, for those in need, and for the environment. We remember some of César Chávez’s powerful words as we encourage students to participate in this year’s essay contest. Find the details in English and Spanish here. “However important the struggle is […]
Tues March 18 Summer Resource Fair
The BUSD Office of Family Engagement and Equity, Rosa Parks Resource Center and Activity Hero invite you to a district-wide … SUMMER RESOURCE FAIR! Sign your kids up now for Summer activities! Tuesday, March 18 4:30-6:00 pm Rosa Parks Elementary School located at 920 Allston Way, Berkeley, CA 94710 La Oficina de Equidad e Involucramiento […]
Building Relationships
When families feel welcomed and are able to engage in what is happening at school the foundations of a fruitful partnership between the school and home are built. Traditionally, communication from schools to families has been mostly one-way. However, with both parents often working full-time, advancements in technology, and what we know about the effects […]
Happy New Year!
The Office of Family Engagement and Equity would like to wish everyone a Happy New Year! As I reflect back on 2013 and envision what is ahead in 2014, my focus is centered on how to create a climate of partnership between our schools and families. Examples of effective partnerships in action come to mind […]
Your volunteering makes a difference!
Parent volunteers enrich our schools and help create a caring community of adults that support and nurture our children every day. This year OFEE wants to mobilize parents and community members to volunteer and to share their time and talent to support the schools, teachers, and student activities at our schools or at other locations. […]
Attendance: Pathway to Success
“Missing just 10% of the school year in the early grades can leave many students struggling throughout elementary school and by 6th grade, missing that much school is strongly linked to course failure and possibly dropping out of high school,” according to AttendanceWorks.* That’s just two skipped days per month. This year the Office of […]
Office of Family Engagement and Equity Serving Families
The Office of Family Engagement and Equity provides resource referrals, trainings for teachers and staff, and parent events. This blog will keep you informed about events as well as tips on what you can do at home to help your student succeed in school. The links on the left side of this page are school […]
School Board
The Berkeley Unified School District Board of Education, also called the School Board, is comprised of five elected directors (also called “members”) and two student directors, one chosen from Berkeley High, and the other Berkeley Technology Academy. The School Board represents the public’s voice in public education, providing governance over the school district. The School […]