The Berkeley School Board is recruiting applicants for the Facilities Safety & Maintenance Oversight Committee to provide oversight of and input into an expenditure plan developed annually by District staff to use the tax proceeds for maintenance and safety consistent with the intent of Measure H. The Board is currently accepting applications from interested parties […]
Safe Routes to School and Walk Man Visit Berkeley Arts Magnet School
Currently “Walk Man” is holding short assemblies to teach students about traffic safety, and just last week he made his way to Berkeley Arts Magnet Elementary School. Safe Routes to School is a federally funded program that partners with many of our elementary schools, and works with parent “champions” to address traffic safety around the […]
Reminder: Tdap Immunization Required for All 7th-12th graders
Tdap Alert! – California school immunization law requires ALL students entering 7th grade to show proof of a whooping cough (pertussis) booster shot, called Tdap, before entering school. Students who fail to meet this requirement will not be allowed to attend school starting on Wednesday, August 29th 2012. For more details see:
School Board
The Berkeley Unified School District Board of Education, also called the School Board, is comprised of five elected directors (also called “members”) and two student directors, one chosen from Berkeley High, and the other Berkeley Technology Academy. The School Board represents the public’s voice in public education, providing governance over the school district. The School […]