This page serves as a resource center for BUSD staff on essential resources and information during the COVID-19 pandemic. As we work with our risk management consultant, this page will be updated with additional resources and information, including site specific protection plans, guidance for managers and for staff on response to reports of illness, and more.
In the meantime, for any questions related to COVID-19 mitigation and response, please send an email to
BUSD Board Policies
- On July 15, 2020 the School Board approved Board Policy 0470 – COVID-19 Mitigation Policy, and a Board Policy on Short-Term Accommodations for Medically Vulnerable Personnel.
BUSD Resources
- BUSD COVID-19 Staff Self-Screening Questionnaire
- BUSD Coronavirus Information & Resources
- Staff Request for Accommodations Form
If you are an employee who will need accommodations, please complete the “Request for Accommodations Form” and then submit your supporting documentation as soon as possible. After completing the form you will be contacted to schedule an ADA interactive process meeting to discuss the reasonable accommodations the District will put in place for you as an individual, which may include but is not limited to working remotely. - BUSD Public Health Webinar 08-05-2020 (slidedeck)
On August 5, BUSD hosted a Public Health Webinar with presenters from UCSF and Berkeley Public Health to share the latest information on what is know about COVID transmission in a school setting. The Link to the webinar is on the BUSD YouTube channel (about an hour), and the PDF of the slidedeck is here.
Local Public Health and Education Resources
- City of Berkeley Coronavirus Information
- City of Berkeley Worksite Exposure Guidance
- Alameda County Office of Ed: COVID-19 School Reopening Plans
- California Dept. of Public Health: COVID-19 Guidance for Schools