Measure E1 of 2016 – Ballot Measure Text
BSEP Flyer (PDF)
High Quality Instruction (66% of net revenue)
Small Class Sizes:
- Provides 30% of all classroom teachers in the K-12 Berkeley Public Schools.
- Grades K-5 school-wide average goal of 23
- Grades 6-12 average class size goal of 28
- Support for Teaching, including professional development, classroom support, program evaluation, and expanded course offerings
Essentials for Excellence (27% of net revenue)
School Site Programs 10.25%
Gives each school discretionary funds for site-based programs such as arts and sciences instruction, academic tutoring and counseling, athletics and student activities, and before and after-school programs.
Music, Visual and Performing Arts Programs 6.25%
Provides 4th-8th grade teachers and staff, professional development, musical instruments and materials, services and equipment.
School Libraries 7.25%
Provides all funding for school libraries, including staff and books, materials, services, and equipment in every school.
Instructional Technology 3.25%
Provides instructional technology in schools, and access for students to computers and learning technology.
Effective Student Support (7% of net revenue)
• Student Achievement Strategies improve academic outcomes for struggling students
• Counseling and Behavioral Health funds provide support for behavioral and social-emotional issues that affect student learning.
• Family Engagement and Access programs develop parent education and focused opportunities for family involvement to support student learning.
Public Information and Oversight
Before allocation of resources to the above purposes, 2% of revenues are allocated in support of the BSEP Planning and Oversight Committee, School Site Councils, communication and outreach services.