Kathleen Marte, English Language Development TSA, KathleenMarte@berkeley.net
2020 Bonar Street, Berkeley, CA 94702
Hours: Monday – Friday | 8:00 AM – 4:00 PM | 510-644-8727
Elementary Multilingual Learners (ELs) receive both Integrated and Designated English Language Development according to California Code of Regulations. For Designated ELD, students are grouped by English language proficiency level during a protected time of the day for targeted language instruction based on the California ELD Standards. Every Berkeley elementary school site has an ELD teacher to support the delivery of Designated ELD instruction. For Integrated ELD, Berkeley Unified uses Constructing Meaning, which is a system of strategies and scaffolds to ensure that our Multilingual Learners have access to the same rigorous curriculum as all of our students during core content instruction. Native Spanish speaking Multilingual Learners may apply to attend the district’s Spanish Two Way Immersion Program at Sylvia Mendez.
- California English Language Development Standards
- Curriculum for Designated ELD: Systematic ELD
- Program for Integrated ELD: Constructing Meaning
Middle School
Middle School Multilingual Learners (ELs) are placed into our Newcomer Program or our Mainstream Programs based on the number of years they have been enrolled in public education in the United States and their English language proficiency level. Berkeley Unified offers the Newcomer Program at King Middle School and the Spanish Two Way Immersion Program at Longfellow Middle School. Multilingual Learners at all three middle schools, including Willard, receive both Integrated and Designated English Language Development according to California Code of Regulations. Students are enrolled in one to two classes for Designated ELD for targeted language instruction at their English proficiency level. For Integrated ELD, general education teachers implement Constructing Meaning to ensure that Multilingual Learners have access to the same rigorous curriculum as all of our students throughout the school day.
- California English Language Development Standards
- Curriculum for Designated ELD: Systematic ELD
- Program for Integrated ELD: Constructing Meaning
High School
Multilingual Learners (ELs) at the high school level are placed into our Newcomer Program or our Mainstream Program based on the number of years they have been enrolled in public education in the United States and their English language proficiency level. Multilingual Learners in these programs receive both Integrated and Designated English Language Development according to California Code of Regulations. Students are enrolled in one to two classes for Designated ELD for targeted language instruction at their English proficiency level. For Integrated ELD, general education teachers implement Constructing Meaning to ensure that Multilingual Learners have access to the same rigorous curriculum as all of our students throughout the school day. College and Career Readiness programs are available to all Multilingual Learners at Berkeley High School.
- California English Language Development Standards
- Curriculum for Designated ELD: Systematic ELD
- Program for Integrated ELD: Constructing Meaning