This webpage will be updated regularly with information on the progress and developments in negotiations with the Berkeley Council of Classified Employees (BCCE), the union representing 570 of the District’s support employees.
The Berkeley Unified School District values its classified staff. We appreciate and respect all of our classified employees for their hard work and dedication to our students. The District’s goal is a fair and responsible contract with the Berkeley Council of Classified Employees’ (BCCE) bargaining team. Further delays in the process are unacceptable.
Despite countless hours spent in mediation since February, we still have not come to an agreement with BCCE. We are very disappointed negotiations have dragged on so long. We are disappointed by the extended time it has taken BCCE’s bargaining team to respond to our latest proposal back in mid-June. We are exasperated because the response we finally received from the bargaining team on July 24th and on July 29th did not close the gap and continue to delay the process.
We want to resolve this contract so our employees can benefit from the terms of the agreement, including an increase in salary, and so we can focus on serving the educational needs of our students. On July 30th, the mediator informed both the District and BCCE they are released to the final phase of the state mandated impasse resolution process— fact finding.
Tentative Agreement Announced Between BUSD and BCCE – October 2, 2014
Union’s and District’s Last Best & Final Offers – September 12, 2014
Fact-finding Panel Appointments Made – September 10, 2014
After Delays, BCCE Negotiations Proceed to Final Stage – July 30, 2014
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)