…posted on YouTube): BHS Band and Orchestra Winter 2013 Concert Band: https://vimeo.com/82897784 BHS Band and Orchestra Winter 2013 Concert Orchestra: https://vimeo.com/82897783 BHS Band and Orchestra Winter 2013 Combined Concert Band…
Search Results for: www.MinyakDaguSiam.com♟🪐🦸 Minyak Dagu Siam Asli Paling Berkesan: 💣 Beli 💣 Minyak Dagu Siam 🦸🪐♟ Yang Asli Di Malaysia - Dapatkannya Di www.MinyakDaguSiam.com Minyak Dagu Asli
Smarter Balanced Field Test Questions and Answers for Berkeley Unified School District (BUSD) Teachers, Staff, Families and Community Partners
…in District/School A and then moves to District/School B before completing the test. Can the test be moved to District/School B for the student to complete? Yes; if a student…
Longfellow Spring Concert 2013
…2013 Advanced Band: https://vimeo.com/69926634 Longfellow Spring Concert 2013 Orchestra: https://vimeo.com/69926633 Video On YouTube Longfellow Spring Concert 2013 6th Grade Band: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xZExpElyBlQ Longfellow Spring Concert 2013 Jazz Bands: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KA-XvOi5kKY Longfellow Spring…
Chromebook Information
…Chrome – https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/magnifier-extension/mmknioomkplkkfgaobefmklldbanoaok?hl=en-US Voice Comments – allows you to leave voice comments, instead of just text, in Google Drive/Docs https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/voice-comments/hcdoaikeblbbiphjibkhliiedjhnbbke?utm_source=chrome-ntp-icon Speak It – Google Chrome extension that enables you to…
Notice to Middle and High School Families on Sexual Harassment and Bullying
…trabajado muchos años como el encargado de School-Linked Services en el Distrito escolar de Mt. Diablo. Chelsea Yogerst comenzó a trabajar la semana próximo pasada como nuestra nueva Title IX…
Superintendents’ Message to Families in Response to Parkland, Florida Tragedy
…Talking to Children after a Shooting http://www.apa.org/helpcenter/aftermath.aspx Addressing Grief: Tips for Teachers and Administrators https://www.lacoe.edu/Portals/0/StudentServices/Addressing_Grief_Tips_for_Teachers_and_Administrators_FINAL.pdf Helping Youth after Community Trauma: Tips for Educators https://www.lacoe.edu/Portals/0/StudentServices/helping_youth_after_community_violence_educators.pdf =========== Querida comunidad, Nuestros corazones se…
Community Involvement Opportunities/Oportunidades para el Involucramiento de la Comunidad
…Against Anti-Asian Racism 7:00 pm tinyurl.com/Anti-Asian-Racism-Awareness Join BUSD’s Asian American community for a conversation on anti-Asian racism. Panel discussion to be hosted by Berkeley School Board Director Ana Vasudeo. Q&A…
Berkeley Unified School District Meal Service For School Year 2020-21 / Berkeley USD Servicio de Alimentos Año Escolar 2020/21
…los lunes, miércoles y viernes (excepto en los días festivos) para cubrir cada día de la semana. Los alimentos están disponibles ÚNICAMENTE para los estudiantes de BUSD. En el momento…
How Youth Ages 16-17 Can Vote in Berkeley
…about the candidates here: Laura Babitt (laurababitt.com) Jen Corn (jencorn.org) Norma J.F. Harrison (ballotpedia.org/Norma_J.F._Harrison) Abdur Sikder (votesikder.com) Ana Vasudeo (vasudeo4berkeley.com) Berkeleyside: Meet the Candidates On October 8, 2024, from 5:30…
Important Community Safety Alert / Alerta Importante de Seguridad Comunitaria
September 27, 2022 Dear BUSD Parents and Caregivers, The Berkeley Police Department has issued this concerning Community Safety Alert regarding two reported attempted kidnapping incidents involving an unknown…