Identifies the needs of youth, reviews and recommends youth services and programs. Each council member appoints one member and the School Board appoints nine members for a total of eighteen. Terms are for one year with no member serving more than four consecutive terms. Desirable criteria: members must be residents of the city, between the ages of 12-25, and at least half must be middle or high school students.
Martin Luther King, Jr. Youth Center
1730 Oregon Street
1st Monday (non-holiday), 6:30 p.m.
Please check the Community Calendar to verify.
Staff Support
Philip Harper-Cotton
Parks, Recreation, & Waterfront
(510) 981-6670
E-mail: PHarper-Cotton@ci.berkeley.ca.us
Enabling Legislation
B.M.C. 3.42 (1976)
For More Information
Email Mark Coplan at Mark_Coplan@berkeley.k12.ca.us or Submit an Application for Commissions