BSEP – Measure A of 2006 — Planning and Oversight Committee Meetings
All meetings are held at the Berkeley Unified School District offices, 2020 Bonar Street, Room 126, Berkeley, CA 94702. Meeting time: 7:00pm, gavel down at 7:15 pm. All P&O Reps and the general public are welcome to attend any and all subcommittee meetings.
Please see the BSEP Planning and Oversight page for meeting schedule, agendas, and other information.
District Advisory Committee Meetings (DAC)
Comité Consejero del Distrito
District English Learners Advisory Committee (DELAC)
Comité Consejero del Distrito Para
For information, contact
Office of Curriculum and Instruction 2134 MLK Jr. Way, Berkeley, CA 94704 (510) 644-6202
Facilities Safety and Maintenance Oversight Committee
Follow the link above or contact Gayle Brandt for meeting schedule. 644-6250
Construction Bond Oversight Committee
Follow the link above or contact Chanita Stevenson for meeting schedule. 644-6066
Surplus Committee
The district is in the process of forming a surplus committee. Contact Chanita Stevenson for meeting schedule. 510-644-6066