Willard Grounds Improvement Project 2425 Stuart Street
The project is to improve the grounds, with a focus on the Stuart Street side and wrapping around the Telegraph frontage. The project will also provide a conceptual masterplan of the grounds. The project is defined by a construction budget of $285,000. The scope will be defined by the Site Committee and approved by the Board.
Community Meeting to Introduce the Project on October 17th at 6:30 PM at 2425 Stuart Street in the
cafeteria. Site Committee will be finalized by the Principal by October 25, 2013.
The role of the Site Committee is to meet with project designers and assist the Principal and inform the project design. If interested in being on the Site Committee, please submit name, telephone and email to Debbie Dean 644-6330 by October 18th. Selected Site Committee members will be notified by October 25th.
Project Design Meetings:
Site Committee Meeting # 1 – November 6, 2013 at the conference room in the administration building at 6:30 PM.
PURPOSE – Project overview and information gathering
Site Committee Meeting # 2 – November 20, 2013 at the conference room in the administration building at 6:30 PM.
PURPOSE – Alternative review, select preferred alternative
Community Meeting # 2 – December 4, 2013 at the Willard cafeteria at 6:30 PM.
PURPOSE – The purpose of the community meeting is to provide project information to interested members of the public and school community and to solicit input on the proposed project. Comments will be directed to Site Committee for consideration. The meeting will include overview of project history and purpose, and presentation and discussion of preferred plan alternative developed with Site Committee input.
Site Committee Meeting # 3 – December 18, 2013 at the conference room in the administration building at 6:30 PM.
PURPOSE – Review of revised plan and Schematic Design following Community Meeting and to prepare recommendation for Board’s consideration.
BUSD Board Review – January 15, 2014
Schematic design is tentatively scheduled to be submitted to the Board at the second Board Meeting in January – either January 15th or January 22nd. The location is planned to be at the new Board Room at West Campus located on Addison Street, just west of the Bonar Street intersection. The public meeting begins at 7:30 PM.
Schematic Design Board Approval –January 15, 2014
Construction Document completion and Department of State Architect review – March 2014
Public Bid and Construction – Board Award May 2014. Construction June – August 2014.
Please contact Chris Sindayen, project manager for Turner Construction with any questions of comments.
Telephone number: (510) 267-8100
Email: CSindayen@tcco.com
BUSD Facilities telephone number: (510) 644-6066
Si usted desea esta información en español, por favor comuníquese con Isabel Parra al 510-883-5223
For updates on the project and other BUSD construction projects, please go to: