Berkeley Unified School District and the Board of Education recognize the important connection between a healthy diet and a student’s ability to learn effectively and achieve high standards in school. The Board also recognizes the school’s role, as part of the larger community, to promote family health, sustainable agriculture and environmental restoration. The sharing of food is a fundamental experience for all peoples; a primary way to nurture and celebrate our cultural diversity; and an excellent bridge for building friendships and inter-generational bonds.
All students may eat a free nutritious breakfast every day as part of the Universal Breakfast Program.
Berkeley Unified has a School Lunch Initiative (SLI), which has two primary goals: to serve nutritious and delicious, freshly prepared meals using locally grown food to all of our students and to educate children in kitchen, garden and academic classrooms about their food choices and the impact those choices have on their health, the community and the environment.
We have eliminated all processed food, hydrogenated and partially hydrogenated oils, high fructose corn syrup, refined sugars, refined flour, chemicals, dyes, additives and nitrates from our school lunches. We also serve regional organic milk at lunch, local and/or organic fruits and vegetables as much as possible.
You can help support our School Lunch Initiative by participating in our free lunch program.
Lunch Prices for students:
Elementary FREE
Middle School FREE
High School FREE