Outdoor Learning – One Element in Returning to Campus Instruction
BUSD is approaching this work with equity at the forefront and evaluating our schools for outdoor learning based on each site’s accessible space and student need. Costs, existing infrastructure, materials, and staff support are being explored.
Working Group District Facilitators
Jezra Thompson, Program Supervisor, Gardening and Cooking
Steve Collins, Maintenance Manager, Facilities
Outdoor Learning and Working Environments
Supervisors, Principals, and Community Experts conducted site visits at select schools to identify best fit locations for different uses of the tented outdoor working and learning environments. This is our core group who guided the set up of these spaces. This group mapped out materials that would be needed and ideal seating arrangements with flexibility for modular use throughout the day or week. They identified various needs we could assume teachers and students may have in these alternative outdoor spaces, including consideration of weather, safety and sanitation, and comfort. The group concluded that each tented outdoor space would come equipped with:
- Whiteboard
- Chairs or customized combi desk and seating
- Instructor’s table
- Small locker
- Optional instructor portable microphone
- Tent structure of varying and appropriate size
- Modular side panels, army netting prefered, for siding of the tent
- Portable power station
- Small cushions
- Student clipboards with material containers
Setting Up
As one of the only school districts in the country that has a school garden at every school, BUSD is experienced in setting up and participating in outdoor learning and working environments. BUSD followed recommendations from National COVID-19 Outdoor Learning Initiative and the updated CDC Guidance. Examples of site plans and seating designs can vary and are intended to be modular, including the following arrangement and examples we used at sites:

Using the Spaces
We encourage each site to utilize these spaces as needed, including, but not limited to:
- Student full group teaching
- Small group work
- IEP pullouts
- Small staff collaborations