Wyn Skeels, Career Technical Education Manager, WynSkeels@berkeley.net
2020 Bonar Street, Berkeley, CA 94702
Hours: Monday – Friday | 8:00 AM – 4:00 PM | 510-644-8727
It is the Vision of the Berkeley Unified School District that all students will be prepared for both career and college. All students will have the opportunity to research their individual interests and aptitudes, learn more about post-secondary programs that can best direct them toward their career goals, have the opportunity to earn high school credit for an internship or a work-based learning experience, learn more about and pursue the jobs and careers that are in highest demand, and take courses in Career Technical Education (CTE).
CTE is defined as a program of study that involves a multiyear sequence of courses that integrates core academic knowledge with technical and occupational knowledge to provide students with a pathway to postsecondary education and careers.
CTE coursework emphasizes highly contextualized experiential learning. Students “learn by doing” and this demands access to industry standard equipment, interaction with industry professionals, teachers who have relevant industry experience, and teaching spaces that support engaging and collaborative project based learning.
Middle School Career Technical Education (CTE) Program:
Our Middle School CTE initiative is focused on aligning our Middle School STEM curriculum with the established CTE STEM Pathways at Berkeley High School, providing early exploration of high school STEM pathway curriculum, technology, tools, and related careers beginning in the 6th grade. Middle School students have the opportunity to become producers as they are introduced to coding, robotics, engineering design, digital media, electronics and design thinking through:
The 6th grade STEM Wheel Curriculum, the 7th grade “Be a Scientist” program and our wide ranging 8th grade STEM electives, all designed to instill broader student interest and capacity for success in the CTE STEM pathways at the high school.
- https://www.cde.ca.gov/ci/ct/sf/ctemcstandards.asp
- https://www.cde.ca.gov/ci/ct/sf/documents/cteframework.pdf
High School Career Technical Education (CTE) Program:
The state of California has identified 15 Industry Sectors each containing multiple career pathways in which to develop Programs of Study. It is up to individual school districts and the region’s corresponding colleges and businesses to conduct research into the needs of the industry and determine which sectors and careers can best serve the students, industry and the community. Pathway development is informed by our local community context, as well as regional employer demand in high growth, high wage industries, and connections to post-secondary educational options.
BUSD’s 6 CTE Industry Sectors Are:
- Health Science and Medical Technology
- Public Service
- Arts Media and Entertainment
- Information and Communication Technology (ICT)
- Engineering and Design
- Building Trades and Construction
Our focus is on preparing students for careers. Some do not necessarily require a four year degree but, by preparing our students for the highly technical careers of the 21st century we are also preparing them for college. All Berkeley High School CTE pathway courses are “a-G’ college preparatory. Berkeley High students can use courses designated as (CTE) as an optional requirement for graduation.