Jennifer Nguyen, Instructional Technology TSA,
2020 Bonar Street, Berkeley, CA 94702
Hours: Monday – Friday | 8:00 AM – 4:00 PM | 510-644-8727
Why do we integrate technology into the elementary classrooms?
- Common Core Standards
- Emphasis on project based learning
- Digital Literacy is necessary, a crucial skill
- Creators vs. Consumers
- Equity, Access, and Differentiation
- Critical thinking and information evaluation
How do we integrate technology into elementary classrooms?
- Through Chromebooks, integration in the curriculum, and teacher support
- Chromebook access for all classrooms in grades 3-8
- Technology integrated into the curriculum
- Teacher support and training at the school and district level
- The Tools
- In grades 3-8, either 2:1 or 1:1
- All grade levels:
- Take home loaner Chromebook program
- Levels the digital playing field
- Students keep the Chromebook for the entire school year
- Take home loaner Chromebook program
- All grade levels:
- In grades 3-8, either 2:1 or 1:1
- Tech integration supports Common Core Standards
- Integration of tech into the Curriculum
- Basic Skills
- Typing
- Navigating Google Workspace for Education
- Classroom
- Docs
- Forms
- Slides
- Basic Skills
- Curricular
- Research: Databases, Newsela
- Presentations: Individual & group
- Subject specific apps
- Supplemental
- Hour of Code
- Intervention
- Ebooks and digital media
- Engagement tools
- Teachers supported in a multi-tier model
- Technology Teacher Leaders at each school site receive monthly professional development
- All teachers can reach out to District Teachers on Special Assignment (Coaches) for support
- District Tech Teachers on Special Assignment (Coaches) offer regular lessons and in-class opportunities
Digital Citizenship and media literacy are taught in Grades 3-5
Middle School
Why do we integrate technology into the middle school classrooms?
- Common Core Standards
- Emphasis on project based learning
- Digital Literacy is necessary, a crucial skill
- Creators vs. Consumers
- Equity, Access, and Differentiation
- Critical thinking and information evaluation
How do we integrate technology into the middle school classrooms?
- Through Chromebooks, integration in the curriculum, and teacher support
- Chromebook access for all classrooms in grades 3-8
- Technology integrated into the curriculum
- Teacher support and training at the school and district level
- The Tools
- In grades 3-8, either 2:1 or 1:1
- All grade levels:
- Take home loaner Chromebook program
- Levels the digital playing field
- Students keep the Chromebook for the entire school year
- Take home loaner Chromebook program
- Tech integration supports Common Core Standards
- Integration of tech into the Curriculum
- Basic Skills
- Typing
- Navigating Google Workspace for Education
- Classroom
- Docs
- Forms
- Slides
- Curricular
- Research: Databases, Newsela
- Presentations: Individual & group
- Subject specific apps
- Supplemental
- Hour of Code
- Intervention
- Ebooks and digital media
- Engagement tools
- Basic Skills
- Teachers supported in a multi-tier model
- Technology Teacher Leaders at each school site receive monthly professional development
- All teachers can reach out to District Teachers on Special Assignment (Coaches) for support</li>
- District Tech Teachers on Special Assignment (Coaches) offer regular lessons and in-class opportunities
Digital Citizenship and media literacy are taught in Grades 6-8.
High School
Digital Citizenship and media literacy are taught in Grades 9-12.