Q: What does VAPA stand for?
A: Visual and Performing Arts
Q: How is VAPA funded?
A: VAPA is funded by the BSEP local tax measure.
Q: Can I donate an instrument?
A: Yes, we accept any instrument that can be carried by a student in a case.
Email dianalee@berkeley.net to find out how.
Q: Can I donate a Piano, Drum set, Keyboard?
A: We may accept upright pianos in fantastic condition, performer-level drumkits that include hardware and cymbals, and electronic keyboards with weighted keys. Email petergidlund@berkeley.net if you have a question about donating an instrument that a student cannot carry in a case.
Q: Does VAPA only manage music instruction in BUSD?
A: Music education takes up about 90% of our time and energy here at the VAPA office. But VAPA also handles funding, professional development, advocacy, facilities, and consulting for non-music Arts across the district.
Q: Why are arts offerings different from school to school in BUSD?
A: Music is universally and uniformly executed/mandated across all schools and managed centrally. For the non-music Arts, schools have autonomy in choosing the Arts offerings that work for their individual community. However, the same funding model is applied to each school.
Q: What if I have a question about high school Arts?
A: VAPA is technically a K-8 office in BUSD, but because we overlap (in staffing and funding) with the BHS Arts program, we can help point you in the right direction.
Contact petergidlund@berkeley.net
Q. Do I need to provide an instrument for my child to participate in the BUSD music program?
A: All students in our music program are provided with instruments by BUSD. We ask for a $20 donation for each year, but this is not required. All students can use a BUSD instrument for free.
Q: Who do I contact regarding lost/stolen/damaged instruments?
A: Our VAPA Technician dianalee@berkeley.net
Q: What if my instrument needs repair?
A: Do not attempt to repair it yourself. Let your teacher know and they will immediately replace your instrument while we have the broken one repaired.
Q: When will students receive their instruments?
A: 5th-12th grade students will receive their instruments during the first two weeks of school. 4th grade students will receive their instrument by October.
Q: What is the process for 4th graders choosing their instruments?
A: Music teachers present all available instruments to 4th grade classes during the first two months of school. All 4th graders get to try out all the instruments and learn a little about each one. We then ask families to fill out “choice forms” listing their first, second, and third choices. Music staff then make classes based on student choice, instrument availability, and class size. Classes convene in instrument-alike groups and receive instruments usually by some time in October.
Q: How do I find my child’s music teacher?
A: There is a list of staff names with pictures, bio, and email here.
Q: How do I contact my child’s music teacher?
A: You’ll find a list of staff email addresses here.