Literacy – the ability to read, write and communicate clearly – will define a child’s future success in school and in life.
Early experiences with books build a strong foundation for reading. Reading at home during the elementary and middle school years in one of the most important things a parent can do to promote the love an joy of reading and to help your child develop into a strong reader.
The Books to Home program is an important part of BUSD’s Literacy Program at all 11 of our elementary schools.
Every evening children bring home their “just right” books and nightly reading log. The book selection in your child’s book bag is tailored to their current reading level and should include a variety of fiction and non-fiction selections.
Reading books at the appropriate level is key to increasing reading fluency, comprehension and reading pleasure.
How can parents/guardians be involved?
When parents/guardians support their children by taking the time to talk to them about their books, and to listen and help them read, it gives children a strong message that reading is important and enjoyable.
- Check your child’s book bag for his/her “just right” books and remind them about the nightly reading log.
- Ask your child to read the books from his/her book bag to you each evening.
- Notice what attracts your child’s attention, even if it’s only pictures at first.
- read a short selection aloud, or
- simply bring home more information on the same subject.
- Let your children see you reading for pleasure.
- Encourage older children to read to their younger brothers and sisters. Older children enjoy showing off their skills to an admiring audience.
Help us to show your child that reading is fun!